Thursday, July 3, 2014


 At the end of the period, the pupils will be able to:
a. Identify the parts of a seed;
b. Define germination;
c. Illustrate understanding on the functions of each part.
REFERENCE: Science for Daily Use 4 Textbook, pp. 83-84
Materials: Charts, Pictures, Overhead Projector, Multimedia Value Focus: Cooperation
TEACHER’S ACTIVITY                             PUPIL’S ACTIVITY
·         Opening Prayer
·         Checking of Attendance
·         Review of the Past Lesson

(The teacher will ask some questions)
(The teacher post a picture of a seed)
 “Have you seen a seed?”
 “Yes, ma’am!”
“What kind of seeds do you know?”                          
(Pupils will respond)
(The teacher will call one by one)
       “What do you notice about those seeds?”                           
“They differ in size and shape.”

“Now, I have here a short story and I
want you to listen carefully and we will
answer few questions later.”

(The teacher will present
“The Tiny Seed”by Eric Carle)

“Did you enjoy the story?”                                                 
 “Yes, ma’am!”

“Are you ready to answer some questions?”                             
 (Pupils will respond)

Discussion Questions:

·         Who is the main character in the story?
“The Tiny Seed”
·         What blows the seeds?
·         Did the tiny seed fell on the ground
 during autumn?
“No, ma’am”

·         Why do you think the Tiny Seed
was the last one who grew?
 (Pupils will respond)


(The teacher will ask few more questions)
·         What approach would you use to
help the tiny seed grow?

·         What do you think is the purpose of the
flower losing its seeds?


 “Seeds have been an important development in the
  reproduction and spread of flowering plants,

 Seeds, though too small, they have their own parts,
 like an ordinary living thing.”

 “Today, we are going to learn the
different parts of a SEED.”

“A seed only develops its parts only when it
undergoes a process called SEED GERMINATION.”

(The teacher will post the
 Definition of GERMINATION)

(She will let the pupils read it loud)

 “GERMINATION is the process by which plants,
   emerge from seed and begin growth.”

 “Okay, thank you.”
 “I have here an illustration of a
  seed during germination.”

(The teacher will post the
 illustration on the board)
(The teacher will the illustration)

 “These are the parts of a SEED
during germination.”


·         EMBRYO – a very young plant
From which a new plant grow
under proper conditions

·         RADICLE –in a dicot is the embryonicroot.

“Can you point out where is the
radicle in the illustration?”
 (A pupil will go in front and point
  out Radicle in the illustration.)
 “Within the seed, there is usually a
  store of nutrients for the seeding that
  will grow from the EMBRYO.
  The seed has its own food supply
– called the EPICOTYL and COTYLEDONS.”
·         SEED COAT – develops from tissue,
originally surrounding the OVULE.
The seed coat helps protect the embryo.

“So, where’s the seed coat in the illustration?”
(A pupil will respond)

“Okay, thank you. So you see,
 the SEED COAT is the outer
 part of a seed.”

“Any other question?”                                                                     “None, ma’am!”

 “Did you understand the lesson?”
“Yes, ma’am!”

“Again, what is a very young plant
From which a new plant grow under
proper conditions?”                                                                         “AN EMBRYO”

“What about the embryonic
root in a dicot seed?”                                                                       “RADICLE!”

What do you call the seeds own food supply?”             “EPICOTYL AND COTYLEDON”
Group Activity
Group 1: Identify the parts of the seed
               from the projector being shown.

Group 2: Answer the questions
              on the board.


(The teacher will post a questions on the projector.)

DIRECTION: On your answer sheet, answer the following:

1. It protects the embryo.
    a. roots b. leaf c. seed coat
 2. It grows into a young plant.
     a. seed coat b. endosperm c. embryo

3. It provides food to the young plant.
    a. seed coat b. embryo c. endosperm

4. Which of these is not a part of a seed?
    a. flower b. embryo c. seed coat
5. The epicotyl is a part of embryo that grows into ______.
    a. leaves b. roots c. stem.
(The pupils will answer the short quiz)
“Answer the following questions in your notebook.”
1. List down the factors that affects seed germination and growth.
2. Where does a flowering plant start?
3. What is a primary root?
4. What are the seeds that germinate even without soil?

5. How does a seed grow into a plant? 

Create through graphical design using 6 fluencies and text that support to illustration.

21st Century Fluencies

Solution Fluency

     The ability to think creatively to solve problems in real time by clearly defining the problem, designing an appropriate solution, delivering the solution, and then evaluating the process and the outcome. This is about whole-brain thinking—creativity and problem solving applied on-demand.

Information Fluency

     The ability to unconsciously and intuitively interpret information in all forms and formats in order to extract the essential knowledge, authenticate it, and perceive its meaning and significance. The data can then be used to complete real-world tasks and solve real-world problems effectively.

Creativity Fluency

      The process by which artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling. It is about using innovative design to add value to the function of a product though the form.

Media Fluency

     There are two components of Media Fluency. First, it involves the ability to look analytically at any communication to interpret the real message, and evaluate the efficacy of the chosen medium. Second, it’s about creating original communications that align the message with its intended audience using the most appropriate and effective medium.

Collaboration Fluency

     Team-working proficiency at its highest level. It is the ability to work cooperatively with virtual and real partners in both digital and non-digital environments to solve problems and create original products.

Global Digital Citizen

     All the 21st Century Fluencies are learned within the context of the Global Digital Citizen, using the guiding principles of leadership, ethics, altruistic service, environmental stewardship, global citizenship, digital citizenship, and personal responsibility. The global digital citizen practices a sense of respect and responsibility for themselves, others, and property—both physical and intellectual.

Perception (good and bad) about Facebook Social Media.

Facebook is becoming one of the biggest addiction problems for the students around the world. Everyday students in High School, College, and now even elementary school are now addicted to a so called socializing website. Without knowing a person wastes hours after hours on Facebook scouring for new notification and new messages. Facebook creates horrible situation in school and destroys one’s life slow, but gradually. One student might forget to study for the finals because the student decided to post the new awesome, crazy video that the student found. More than ever Facebook is becoming something harmful to the society with the way they trap their users in their website.

More and more people are talking about Facebook daily; it has become 2nd most known website world wide right now. Everybody’s using it, and of course there are some positive things about it, but also some negative one. Facebook is a good thing or a bad thing? That is the most frequently asked question today. Well, there are always two sides of everything; it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. The same goes for social media, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the society. 

Facebook will help us to connect with our friends in an easy and in a convenient way. It provided us the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and take input about their lives and events happening with them. In other hand Facebook Social Media can actually cause addiction to the users.

Also Facebook can also be a distraction for example you are searching some topics in the Internet and you cannot help yourself to grasp or scrolling your Facebook until you forgot that you are doing some research. The students now spend more time on Facebook than doing their homework which affects the life of the students. 

As with any new invention there are both benefits and dis-advantages. It is in the user’s hand to get the best possible advantage.

Illustrate in a big chart differentiating past 30 years old generation and the new digital generation. Explain.


      The world today is very different from many years ago. Politics, religion and many other factors have had an immense effect on individuals in terms of moral values, ethics, attitudes, political views and so on. People born during different eras have managed to exhibit different characteristics.

Technology has evolved very quickly over the last decade. Nowadays, the older generation is not familiar with the technology and learns to use it step by step, while youngsters are born surrounded by technological inventions and easily adapt to new developments such as computers, laptops, tablets and cellphones. As what as we observed in the chart, we are more relying in technologies in our generation nowadays compared to the 30 years old generation. And It is more easy for us to do such thing by the used of technologies.

How will you bridge the gap of the students in the future generation? X and Y?

Education is one of the most important professions in the working world. Technology has done many things for us in today’s society especially for education and schools. Technology in the school system has impacted the students and teachers in many positive ways. With computer use in our schools, we have access to many different sources and various types of learning.

Using technology is one of the most trends in our world today, especially for the young ones. We live in this generation that full of knowledge about the tools being discovered by the people behind these technologies. And yes, technology has a great impact to change not only the ways of living but also it has a great impact to the connections among old and new generations.

The future is about access, anywhere learning and collaboration, both locally and globally. Teaching and learning is going to be social. Ultimately, technology is going to have a significant impact on teaching and learning. Since I am in the digital generation and also in the near future I will be a teacher I need to develop my learning in using technology so that I can teach my students how to use it. And by teaching those technologies the students can connect it to the next technology being invented in the next generation.